Pernos de Anclaje Swellex
Swellex Anchor Bolts are very versatile and can be used in various tunnel and mining systems. One application in tunnel engineering is the use of swellex as a mesh bolt to support excavations. Anchor mesh depends on the size of excavation and the quality of rock mass. In mining common applications such as roof supports and roof box anchors have adopted swellex as a fast safe and high performance device. Swellex bolts can be used in most reinforcement and support applications in a variety of capacity ranges (120kn, 160kn, 240kn). They can also be used in mining or civil engineering applications, and their specific mechanical properties will provide the required safety and performance.
High quality line (pm) High quality line is a typical bolt in tunneling, which has high deformation load and good deformation. When hard swellex bolts with high deformation load are required under medium and low stress conditions, pm bolts can also be used in mining.
Manganese wire (mn) Manganese wire is developed when the pressure changes greatly. Mining and tunnel projects. Made of a very special type of steel, mn anchor bolts are also heat treated to improve their mechanical properties. The mn swellex anchor bolts have unique production properties, providing high fracture loads and high deformation capacity. Bitumen-coated bitumen swellex is coated with a thick layer of rubber bitumen that prevents most corrosion conditions in the medium term. The plastic-covered swellex plastic coating provides long-term protection through a thick plastic layer that is waterproof and waterproof. Impact-resistant coatings are very effective in highly corrosive environments, and their strength and effectiveness have been proved by years of application in highly acidic conditions.
and washer
Pm 12, L= 3500mm
Pm 12, L= 4300mm
Pm 12, L= 5500mm
Pm 16, L= 3500mm
Pm 16, L= 4300mm
Pm 16, L= 5500mm
Pm 24, L= 3500mm
Pm 24, L= 4300mm
Pm 24, L= 5500mm
Pm 24, L=6000mm